Paddy-field Cycle
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Rain clouds at Sunset
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Every where is green during rainy seaon
Some Comon Plants seen during Monsoon
Common Flower during Monsoon (Rural Goa)
We usaully see this during monsoon
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Rough Sea Waves during Monsoon at DonaPaula
(below) Rain Setting/Clouds at sunset
Rain bring greenery at Campal grounds
Rain setting during Monsoon (at sunset)
Rain Frogs
Traditional Farmer Ploughing in the fields
Roads are flooding during Monsoon
Coconut Tree with tender Coconuts
A frog watching you..
Another frog at the road side
Time to go for catching 'Tigurr' (abv)
(below) Another fresh water Fish 'Pintoll'
Time to go for 'Conge' (Snails)
Another 'Zothkaxi' with his 'boilam Zoth'
Pausache Dis (Quiz)
1. Paus ailo, humvar ailo…
Chol ya Bebeank, Tigur, Pinttoll, Sangttam, Kansou, Conge..
(Add at least one more)
2. Mottean Goddgoddo Marlo..
Avoi bhurgeamche bentinak ou golleant kitem bandta?
3. Zoglam marun khuim tori viz potta..
Tench viz xennachea gairint poddlear kitem zata?
4. Pausant ami chodxem kitem kortat?
Tablani Keutat
Xetant Vetat
Kazu bieo Baztat
(add atleast one more)
5. Primary School from Bhalbarati book
Zarina says…
Come again another day
(complete the first missing line)
6. Konkani Pustakar..
Pausa Pausa ieo re ieo
Xetant mojea khellunk ieo
(add at least one line)
7. Zedna bhair Votant paus podta tedna ami haka kitem munntat?
8. Garant Kukuso Podla zalear, haka upai kitem ?
9. Pausachi Khobruch nam zalear,
Ami khuimchea Santacho ugddas kortat?
10. Konngam paus eche adim konddonk zai,
Na zalear konngank kitem potta?
11. Paus ailo muntorich bhair zomnir
Tallkillo, Bukando, Terro …fulta
(What else?)
12. Konkani cantar
Sotrekar, sotrekar,………… Sotrekar
(fill up the blank with missing word)
13. Pausant chodd giraik konnak?
A. Ashkrottkar-ak
B. Dudkar-ak
C. Posorkar-ak
d. Dotor-ak
14. Pausant kitem chodd zata?
a. Dhirio
b. Bhurgim
c. Kimsam
d. Festam