Sunday, 5 June 2011

Konkani Film O MARIA completes 25 weeks (Silver Jubilee)

O MARIA completes 25 weeks (Silver Jubilee)

At Inox multiplex, panjim Goa.
It was first released on 19th December 2010.
It’s a film by Rajendra Talak and music by Padmashree Remo Fernandes.

On 3rd June show, many artistes from the Film O MARIA 
were present including the leading Role Shernaz Patel, 
Sulabha Arya,  Meenacshi Martins, Aryan Khedekar, 
Kevin D'mello, John D'Silva etc
Sadly, I could not catch them all on my camera inside the auditorium as the area (near screen) where they all lined up, was not properly lit.

It was houseful show and everyone served with sweet ‘ladoos’ (my favourite).

Congratulations to Rajendra Talak and his entire team.
Everyone did their best – So real! So natural!

A must watch by all Goans for it has a message too

Long Live Konkani Cinema

Some pics and clips

from archive.. (Nov.2010)

O Maria

Premiere Show at Kala Academy (IFFI 2010)
On 30th Nov. 2010 at 5.30pm
With full film cast
It’s all about Goa.
including Gumott, Guitar & Cantar
Insiders/outsiders, land deals, property disputes, drugs, Casino etc etc

In another words, it’s another wake up call 
to save what's little left of Goa.
Movie is good and highly recommneded.
Roseferns and Com John D’ Silva also played cameo roles
John is ‘pedo/Sancristao’ and says ‘ i am very busy, I have a funeral at 3.30

 and a wedding at 5’

But our Bollywood comedian ‘Tiku Talsania’ got most applause for his Konkani/Marati/Hindi/English talk.

Maria’s role played well.
Maria, a middle aged spinsters who looks after her sick mother who is bedridden.
The bedridden mother’s role was good too (another bollywood actress Sulabha Arya?) 
She did not utter a word yet her role was so natural
The role brought some tears in my eyes as it reminded me of my mother in the bed..
Kevin D'Mello role of a 'cool boy' was also good. He mostly stays with his aunt Maria and his grand mother.
Maria's brother was 'Roseferns' who wanted to sell his ancestors' beach side property to a foreigner.
But he could not do so without his sister Maria's signature...

Roseferns's widow, a typical Philomena acting was natural too (Meenacshi Martins)

The foreigner (the leading role) played by a foreigner who puts up with Maria’s as paying guest.

Music was good too with some Remo’s popular songs playing in the background
Looks like some songs are taken off (I am not too sure about it)
We may be able to watch the whole movie when it releases on 19th Dec. this year.

The film started at 5.43pm and ended at around 7.20pm
(With no break)
The show was houseful. 50 tickets were left 24 hours before the show starts.

Entire film cast was present at the show except ‘Maria’ (and Tiku?)
All of them were called up on the stage before the show
See the complete pic /Video (with about 25)
Roseferns and John D’ Silva also seen

The pics:
The Film Director, The Music Director and the Film Hero (Lead Role)
Rajendra Talak, Remo Fernandes and Cory Goldberg

With Kevin D’Mello (Com. John d’silva partly seen)
With the lady who played the bedridden Mother’s role
the entire..

When the PI and the Havaldar left the doctor's cabin, the havaldar
seen saluting the doctor as they normally do to their superiors.

Looks like something I did not get right.
Why Maria's brother and his family living in a hut like house when they have a very big
portuguese type house where Maria and her mother lives?

Just two days ago, some film cast along with the director seen at Kingfisher village
seating in the VIP lounge. At that time the director handed over a CD to be played

(a fim song by Remo), don't remember listening to this song at the premier.
It goes like this

the video clip

the film is now availabe ond VCD and DVDs  Dec. 2011

VCD/DVD No: 411
O MARIA  by Rajendra Talak (Music Remo Fernandes)
Feature Film
With Shenaz Patel, Gory Goldberg, Sulaba Arya, Tiku Talasania,
Roseferns, Com, John D’Silva, Meenacshi Martins, Aryan Khedekar,
Kevin D’Mello etc etc
DVD 299   VCD 199                        Dec/2011

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