Saturday, 4 May 2013

Holy Cross Feast, Baradi 3.5.13

Feast of Holy Cross,
Baradi, Velim, Goa


I thought I read on newspaper that the feast high mass is at 11.30am
Looks like I read it wrong, the feast mass was at 9.30am followed by a lower mass at 11.30.
That’s why we arrived very late,  at the end of the last mass.
At least we got a blessing by a young or new priest - watch video

First time have been here was in 2006 (a part of our South Goa Pvt. tour) see a pic below

 Here are some pics and  videos of today 3.5.2013

Baradi chapel



the Main altar


The Miraculous Cross


People on top

 also seen in the Video

Beautiful view from the Cross / Chapel
River Sal meeting Arabian Sea
Betul / Mobor beach

 A 2006 pic of the same

another view

Cutbona fishing jetty

coconuts view

Flower women

Dos, khajem, kaddio – boddio

Video 1

After 9 days of preparations, there come the Feast Day..
Special  things for  the festive day be it in the form of dress code, violin,
Decorations, snacks / drinks and not forgetting the special  litany on
the day – We call it ‘basha’ ladin

Litany can be sung in various tunes – low tempo, med. and fast.
If you want to finish it quickly, we used quicker mode etc
(usually when litany started late, rainy day or one has to attend more
than one litany same evening etc)

But on the feast day it is 1.5 times or 2 times longer than the normal
mode or tempo.
We did not have that many festive tunes, may 2 or 3.

Here is one  (in Latin)
On 3rd May 2013
Recorded at Velsao

I have also added beautiful festive pics / scenes of Baradi cross feast.
I am sure you will love it

You can also Sing along.. see video 2

More of Litany and orasao etc

Video 2 (Photo show with Festive Litany in Latin)

More one Betul beach, fort, mobor beach etc

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