Friday, 13 December 2013

Ravindra Bhavan Vasco Baina inaugurated 12.12.13

Ravindra Bhavan finally inaugurated
on 12th Dec. 2013, VAsco da Gama

 The seating capacity of the main auditorium  591 and the balcony seating is 177 = 768
Plus a mini theatre of 170 (?)

It's foundation Stone was laid by then Cong. Govt on Dec. 19. 2007 and the estimated cost was 23 crores. But in June 2012 it cost rose to 40 crores, actual cost as on date not known.
Earlier in 2006,  another foundation stone was laid for same RB at another Place at Sada
Baina Ravindra Bhavan was to inaugurate at the hands of Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar but he had to go to Chhattisgarh for new BJP Govt installations there.
However, it was said earlier it will be inaugurated on 14th December
We only found out about the new date on the same day of inauguration in NT. Ad.

Ravindra Bhavan – External view

Name plate says at the hands of Parrikar..
Hall jam- packed
Entrance blocked

Inside the hall
view from the front stage
Hall and the Balcony

View from the Bancony

First floor lobby / lounge

With Punjabi, Maharastra, Kerala Onam, Karnataka yelama Zatra,
Rajasthan folk dances, Konkani, Com Juana (also seen in the video)
Com Juana


Divli lamp

Conference hall


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