Monday, 7 July 2014

St. Francis Xavier Exposition 2014-15

Video - 1st day of the Exposition, 22.11.14
Saint's sacred body taken to Se Cathedral in a procession

see below pics and video

SFX Exposition 2014-15

17th public Exposition of the Sacred Relics of  St. Francis Xavier

will be held at Sé Cathedral Church from Nov 22, 2014 till Jan 4, 2015

Fr. Francis Xavier died at Shangchuan from a fever on 3 December 1552,
He was first buried on a beach at Shangchuan Island. His incorrupt body was taken from the island in February 1553 and was temporarily buried in St. Paul's church in Malacca on 22 March 1553. An open grave in the church now marks the place of Xavier's burial.

On 11 December 1553, Xavier's body was shipped to Goa. The body is now in the Basilica of Bom Jesus in Goa, where it was placed in a glass container encased in a silver casket on 2 December 1637.
The right forearm, which Xavier used to bless and baptize his converts, was detached by Pr. Gen. Claudio Acquaviva in 1614. It has been displayed since in a silver reliquary at the main Jesuit church in Rome (see pic)
Blessed Francis Xavier became Saint in 1622 (70 years after death)

Latest video 9.9.2014
A short tour - Old Goa - Inside of Basilica etc 4.5mins

Video: Shorter version  -  2mins

What is Exposition?
The Sacred body of the Saint (died 1552) in the silver glass casket (pic) is brought down for general public veneration (exposed to public to have a closer look),  once in 10 years. It's a planned and organised event for wider public / devotees participation.  
Next, 18th Exposition would be in 2024-25
Watch video of 1994-95 (link below).  

Pope Francis is not coming or attending the Exposition as confirmed by Goa Bishop Palace.
Either His Holiness too busy or not enough have been done by the Goa Church & Govt. authority.
If the Pope visits Goa say in next 5 years, there could be a special or Private Exposition (unlisted).

Did you know?
During the initial expositions, the body was fully exposed (uncovered) and that one could even touch the body. Devotees were actually kissing the Saint's feet and one lady even bit off the Saint's toe.

This is the place in the Basilica of Bom Jesus where the sacred relics are seen a top the marble mausoleum.

These are close-up pics taken in  July 2013


close-up pics water-marked GOA/JAN/95 from exposition 1995


Video: 1994-95 Exposition


 Note: During last Expo 2004-05, no photography/Videography was allowed.


Watch Part II (last day of the expo with procession etc)

Video: slide show - SFX relics

Basilica of Bom Jesus
Saint's sacred body remains here all other times
Open to all (Partly visible, see above pics)

Se Cathedral - the Exposition takes place in here
(Transferred / Taken in a procession to and from Bom Jesus Basilica)

Cassock / Vestment / Chasuble / Stoles once worn by the Saint

This coffin was made during 1744 exposition and was used for all exposition until 1952-53.
It has 3 keys - one each was kept with the Archbishop,  the Governor and  the administrator.
The sacred relics were then transferred to the present one silver casket/Crystal coffin in 1953

Used during the Expositions

Other relics (of  the Saint) elsewhere in the world:

Saint's right forearm
In Rome

Saint's toe in Lisbon

Another bone Relics in Macao
St. Joseph Seminary's Sacred Art Museum

Relics other Parts of Goa
Relics (e.g. Small piece of bone) of Saint Francis Xavier are also found in the Holy Spirit Church, Margão,  Church of St. Francis Xavier, Batpal, Canacona and St. Francis Xavier Chapel, Portais, Panjim

Past public Expositions
First Exposition:  February 10-12, 1782 (3 days only)
Second: December 3, 1859 to January 8, 1860
Third: December 3, 1878 - January 6, 1879
Fourth: December 3, 1890 - January 1, 1891
Fifth Exposition: December 7-10, 1900 (4 days only)
Sixth Exposition: November 26 - December 28, 1910
Seventh Exposition: December 3, 1922 - January 7, 1923
Eighth: 1931: December 3, 1931 - 10 January 1932
Ninth Exposition: May 6 – 17, 1942  (12 days only)
Tenth Exposition: December 3, 1952 - January 6, 1953
Eleventh: December 13 – 31, 1961 (Lasted till Dec 18, Goa liberation time)
Twelfth: November 25, 1964 -  January 5, 1965 (under Indian Regime)
Thirteenth Exposition: November 23, 1974 - January 5, 1975
Fourteenth: November 21, 1984 - January 13, 1985
Fifteenth Exposition: November 21, 1994 – January 5, 1995
Sixteenth Exposition: November 21, 2004 – January 2, 2005
Note: There were many other occasions (unlisted, not being expositions) where the Saint's Body brought down for public veneration for shorter durations and of longer breaks in between prior to 1782.

Preparation for Exposition
as on 6pm 12.11.14

Roads / Pavements




Opp Se Cathedral (right)





On the lawns, garden
I wish they left this space opne


Covered roof for Queuing ?


another structure / Toilets

opp Basilica, to the left of St. Agustine Church road



Panaji Road

Exposition 2014-15 Official website:

Status as on 18.11.14 5pm
18th nov. 2014   5pm


Interior pavements done

Preview by Yahoo



Se Cathedral view


At the Basilica


The Relics

Sacred  Body of St. Francis Xavier


This erected structure or hall is for multiple lines Queuing


Two or double  line queuing


Some nuns



Water tanks for Pilgrim cottages / Toilets


Pilgrims shelter / Cottages / huts

Towards Divar Ferry / Viceroy’s ark


Towards Old-Goa renovated Jetty

The Jetty

Update: 21.11.14

The Coffin will be brought down today evening in a private ceremony.
The same will then be kept in the sacristy.
Mass at 9.30am tomorrow morning (22nd Nov) in the pandal infront of Basilica the usual place for masses during Novenas & feast followed by a procession in which the Sacred relics / Coffin will be taken to Se Cathedral where it will remain for about 40 days for public veneration or kissing.  
No need to bring umbrellas this time to protect from sun while waiting in Q for hours.
Covered pendal or structure provided though out. The Coffin will be kept in the middle this time in the Se cathedral. Devotees will have comparatively more time to view the relics / coffin as they will be moving in a semi-circular around the   coffin.


Today’s visit to Old Goa
21.11.14  around 2pm

Pics and video



Place for Exposition
Giving final touch
Se Cathedral 


Queuing arrangement


TV Vans


Road next to Basilica

Faith Exhibition Hall



Video 21.11.14  2pm

The 1st day of the Exposition - Saint's relics taken in a procession
22nd Nov. 2014


Archbishop Filip Neri in the Procession

Everybody in camera mode

 Human chain

Bishop of Mangalore
Archbishop of Goa etc

Govt is very quick in such things (pic)

Old Goa

 Kadamba KTC shuttle service to Old Goa from Panaji Stand
Rs.10 per head, Pvt charge Rs.12


Video - The procession 22.11.14
Saint's sacred body taken to Se Cathedral in a procession

Inaugural Mass - 22.11.14

Bishop of Mangalore Aloysius D'Souza was the main celebrant of the Mass, which had as concelebrants archbishop of Goa and Daman Filipe Neri Ferrao, archbishop emeritus Raul Gonsalves, and bishop of Itanagar John Thomas. Fr. Alfred Vaz, Vicar General Fr. Jose Remedios etc

Bishop of Mangalore
Altar Boys, girl
 Money collectors, Volunteers
Gate / Path
AA ad
Robotic camera ? that does areal videography etc
Remote controlled device
 Empty (after body or casket removed for Exposition)
Opening from this side

Video:  Mass and Relics photo show

Some politicians also spotted in the procession
Aavertano Furtado, Michael Lobo, Ticlo, Alina, Monseratte, Churchill,
Vijay Sardesai. Rohan etc also spotted in the procession


Update: 26.11.14
 Now visit Old Goa Exposition by Cruise Boat
From Panaji Santa Monica Cruise Jetty to Old-Goa Jetty
Daily two trips leaving Panaji 9.30am and 1.30pm
Leaving Old Goa 11am and 3pm
Journey time 1hr approx. Fare Rs.50 per head each way
150 seater Shantadurga cruise boat will leave even with just 10 Pax.
More details contact 2438754

What more?
At Old Goa: Special Hop on Hop off Trips
Visiting Monte Chapel, St. Agustine Tower, St. Cajetan Church, Miraculous Church / Boa Vista etc
Rs.50 per head, 9.30am to 6pm
Contact for tickets etc Expo Secretariat, near VIP Parking, Old Goa
Services provided by Goa Tourism

Exposition guide
Exposition Secretariat, Govt of Goa
7th Floor EDC House, Dr. Atmaram Borkar Road, Panaji - Goa

read / view it larger,  click here

Update 2.12.14

Old Goa Exposition - Today's video 2.12.14, a day before the feast
Strangely,  there were not many people today..
There was a rumour that there will be no kissing or umao on the 2nd and 3rd Dec
I too heard it,  also read it on newspaper (Clarification).
The KTC driver too were talking about it, don’t know how they got the news.
Don’t know if this was the reason we saw very very less people today at Old Goa.
Mass with Bishop of Belgaum Rev. Peter Machado
Priests festive vestments / chasuble

Shuttle service that stops everywhere
My bus/strip made 10 stops
It says shuttle leaves Panjim KTC evry 5 minutes
But it will leave only when it is full with some standing pax
My bus had 13 standing – see pic and video
It also had bags and suitcases in the standing area
At Bhakia Porperty Old Goa
Parking area, Suttle terminating / departing point
There there, other FREE KTC buses available to ferry devotees to
Church Complex and Gandhi Circle but walking it could take just 5 minutes
Or less than half kilimeter.
 Pilgrims resting area
Overnight stay area, usually Church, Convent corridors
Some stay one night, some stay 3 nights others may stay 10 nights
I too spent a night or two around here those days
other area
On standby, 108 Ambulance
Pilgrims path way (for queuing )
The path is connected to this Chamber, a sort of holding area with Q movement within.
The Chamber, which was empty today

No Photography or videography beyond this point
Lucky are those who came here on the first day
Also, lucky are the priests, police and VIPs on the day
Se Cathedral Church
Mobile ATM
Angonvnn angovnn
Body parts for sale
Thieves are everywhere
Govt.  publicity stone
Fest korta ganv punn pirjentichem nanv

Video: Old Goa 2.12.14

Feast day pics  and video 3.12.14

Happy Feast to you all
I missed the Feast Mass
Must have got over around 12.10
We arrived just before 12.30
This way is Sausage street
Cheuris-Pao etc available here
This is exception, perhaps unauthorised
Police watch tower etc
Giant wheel
Festa Chonne
Gorom groom chonne
Festa Khajem dos, kadyo-bodyo
Other feri sections
Shoe sales
Fire service hut
Fire extinguishers ets
Konkani Music CD DVD sale
Francis de Tuem’s No ullu Banawing selling hot
Resting, leisure, lawns
Queuing for veneration – Umao
SBI ATM shelter not ready
Saw Mobile ATM on the road
Towards Car pack, wall
So called shuttle service that stops anywhere and everywhere

Video - Feast day Q and Fair or ferri

Update: 3.1.2015
Last day of the Veneration
Pics and Video

at cross roads

 dress code
dress modestly

Long Q
Q. rush, line etc

Pilgrims Path

Cathedral Entry point

Entry to Chamber

Inside the Chamber

 chamber’s exit point

Line inside the Cathedral

Illuminated inside of Se Cathedral walls, roof, ceiling etc

One of the 14 chapels of the Cathedral
Blessed Sacrament, Mass going on


the Cathedral external



Faith Exhibition hall

 Near Viceroy’s gate

Stairs / Way  towards Old Goa Jetty from Se Cathedral

Old-Goa Jetty

 Jetty Road access

Sale on footpath

other feri
Teddy bears, shoes

 Cottages, clothes line

Gandhi Circle

Toilets, Urinals

For GSIDC officials only

 CCp bins

 Shop / Canteen within the complex lawns

Wheel Chair Volunteer

 Crib / Star

Nuns at the Basilica

Sitting police mamas

 Mass Pandal chairs

Today's video 3.1.2015
Entire Pilgrim path covered including inside of Chamber and Se Cathedral.
Besides, Crib, Faith Exhibition, Jetty, Cottages, bit of feri on footpath and the Qs starting till end..

Last day of the Exposition 4.1.2015

Saint’s sacred relics taken back to Basilica of Bom Jesus

Priests etc


aerial camera

Feri – earthen pots

Video – Saint relics taken back in a procession


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