Friday, 5 December 2014

Shanti Avedna Sadan, Loutolim - Goa

Did you know that Goa has Free Hospital for terminally ill Cancer patients?
As for me, I was not aware of, only found out recently.

I am just told that one of my friends’ uncle was here some years ago and that they found the hospital good, clean and tidy.

Talking high about the hospice, young Jude of Cansaulim who died recently and was also an inmate here said ‘I wish I was here long before’

28 years old, Goa’s first Free Hospice Shanti Avedna Sadan is now been extended with  extra wards - 30 more beds.

Shanti Avedna Sadan
A hospice for terminally ill Cancer patients.
A hospital which is free of cost to all, irrespective of Community caste or creed.
Run by Sisters of Holy Cross and managed by the Charitable Trust

Cardinal Oswald Gracias blessed and inaugurated  the new wing of Shanti Avedna Sadan at Nacorda Loutolim Goa on 2nd December 2014.

Some pics and Video

Mass service

9 priests concelebrated mass






 Cardinal blesses the new wards

 Cardinal blesses the inmates


Sister, Fr. Lucio Dias, Cardinal, Fr. Joaquim Loyola and Dr. Luis Jose De Souza (Luzito)



Cardinal with the people


Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai


Dr. Luzito De Souza, Cardinal, Fr. Lucio Dias, Fr. Joaquim Loyola


Dr. Luzito De Souza

Luis Jose De Souza

Managing trustee

 I will Praise the name of God with a song:

I will magnify Him with Thanks giving.


Engineer / Architect

 Floor, Ward, blocks named after benefactors / donors

Dr. Joao Manuel and Dona Alcina Pacheco Figueiredo

 Zenia Mendes

 Original House and Land donated by Elvira de Noronha


Phyllis Anjali Mendes

 External wall

 Buffet table

Video: Mass, Blessing etc

Shanti Avedna Sadan
Nacorda, Loutulim, Salcette, Goa 403718
Tel. 91-832-2777024

With Branches at Goa, Mumbai and Delhi, please visit the site for more info and details

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