Monday, 2 February 2015

AQUA Goa 2015, Navelim and Mapusa



Mega Fish Festival 2015
Celebrating Goa's Rich Fishing Culture
Organised by Directorate of Fisheries, Govt. of Goa.

January 29 to February 1 in Navelim and

February 5 to 8 at Mapusa.
February 6 to 9 at Mapusa


A short video tour with programme clipings, day 3 at Navelim

a tour first 2.5 minuts followed

Cielda Pereira, Carina D’Costa, Sonia Shirsat, Nephie Rod,

Aniceto Lourenco, Karishma Chari, Paresh Parab, Antonette Mendes,

Nephie Rod, Simon Dias,  Com Seby, Com Marcus etc


Musicians Roy Menezes, Nolvert Cotta, John de Madel (Drums)

 Bass Edelbert Azavedo, keyboards Peter Azavedo,  Walsh Fernandes,  tenor Alex Alphonso,  trumpet Tony Rodrigues, percussion Allan Moraes, guitars Cheryl and Merlyn D' Costa


Entry through shark mouth



Venue – Crowd, pond, sand pit, boat


Paresh Parab

Just imagine



Nephie Rod




Roy Menezes, Nolvert Cotta, John de Madel
 Bass Edelbert, keyboards Peter,  Walsh,  tenor Alex,  trumpet Tony, percussion Allan Moraes,


Ladies / guitarists
guitars Cheryl and Merlyn D'Costa


Aniceto Lourenco

com Seby and Com Marcus



Sonia Shirsat


 Antonette Mendes

Karishma Chari
Simon Dias
Cielda Pereira
Carina Da Costa

Host / Compere

Agnelo de Borim


Aqua Goa logo

Video 1:  Nephie Rod

Video 2: A short Tour with Konkani songs clips

Video 3: Antonette Mendes


Entrance, shark mouth


Venue; Sand pit, fish pond, fishing




Folk dance

Young stars of Navelim



Bodgeshwar Temple, Mapusa


2 men band




rice, biryani, chicken, tandoori, cafreal, lolly pos, tika, butter chicken, noodles etc


Fisheries Dept Stall


Self help women shop


Aquarium gallery, q





Video 1: Folk Dance by young stars of Navelim

Video Mapusa 2 - Fish Photo show

Video  Mapusa 3 - A tour to Fish Aquarium
with Valentinos singing Konkani etc

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