Sunday, 12 April 2015

Siridao Feast, Jez-nodrem 2015

Jez-Nozrem feast, Siridao
'Jezu Nozrem'  or 'Jez-nodrem' feast celebrated today at Siridao Chapel on 12th April 2015

What is 'Jez-nozrem'?
Well, I think, it has come (corruption) from Portuguese ' Jezu de Nazaré ' (Jesus of Nazareth).
Goa was ruled by Portuguese for about 450 years or until Dec 19, 1961).
Siridao or Shirdon or Xirdona was basically a  Konkani speaking fisher folk village
At first, it must have started with  'Jez-Nazre' shorten for 'Jezu de Nazaré ' followed by 'Jez-Nozre' and 'Jez-Nozrem' and then it sounded like 'nodrem' replacing Z with D.
My mother from Salcette said  'Jez-nodrem'.  Many still say so.
The popular feast always celebrated on the second Sunday of Easter.
The feast also known as 'Pejechem Fest' where  traditionally Pez or Canji (Rice gruel)
 is served to all free of cost. (see over 25 pics below).  PEZ was one of the 3 main meals of most Goans,  usually had around 10.30am,  lunch around 1.30pm and dinner around 9.30pm. My house being closer to my school, I even came home during interval for pez. We had Ceramic bowls  Kanxe or brass vattli (plate)
Bowl or maittul or mattul  and Pickle or Miskutt  one has to buy from the vendors at feast fair.
Usually cost Rs.40/50 &  20 respectively.
Some seen carrying their own steel bowls, kitli, tiffins, plastic bowls, containers or alluminium bowls
Many even carry it (Pez) back home for others.. read more of pez preparation with pics below

This feast always reminds me of my mother who never missed the 'Pejechem Fest'
I asked her once  what's  the difference bwtween the 'Pez' we always cook
 at home and the one which is served ar Siridao feast?
She replied 'Deva Payamkoddchi pez' as in 'Deva vo Saibinni payamkoddche chonne'
According to her, the 'pez' had some medicinal value or cure.
The cost of PEZ,  cooking and serving  is borne by Dempos

The feast here is actually of  Our Lady of Annunciation - See pic main altar but many may mistake it as feast of Jez-Nozrem  (Jesus of Nazareth)

The Statue of Our Lady

Inside the Chapel there is this huge statue of Jesus of Nazareth (Feast signature Statue?, it even appear in the backdrop of the Feast make-shift altar - see pic)

  Ecce Homo (Behold the Man)
This type of image is usually seen at many churches during lent on Palm Sunday.
Also seen as one of the 31 statues in the Goa-Velha Saints Procession or Pursanv.
Jesus of Nazareth (as brought before Pilate, Governor or pons Pilat)


Main Altar (new, modified with face of God)
Chapel's main altar Our Lady of Annunciation
Angel Gabriel makes announcement to Virgin Mary that she is conceived by the Holy Spirit and  soon be the mother of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
This act of announcement is called Annunciation.
older pic 2009 click below here

Feast Mass, devotees, pandal etc

I did not realise that this smart little fellow was watching  me, I would have pictured him separately :-)

8 Priests concelebrated Feast Mass with Roland Mascarenhas as main celebrant,
Siridao Parish Priest, Rector Major Seminary Pilar, Fr. Agusto, Fr. Lawrence,
Fr. Domnic Alvares, Fr. Francis, Fr. Paxao


See the signature image in the backdrop, as discussed.


Choir singing with Alberto Cabral, Rashmi Menezes etc

sisters, nuns

Q for veneration

 Back view of the Chapel dome

Feast Presidents / Family / Festa Pirjent or pirzent


Procession, irmao, op mus, confrad red, Irmudade, pursanv

Festa Muzg, brass band with Mestri Cotta

Our Lady Statue, blessing, silver crown

 The beach view

Presidents' entourage going to their respective homes after feast mass

with separate band
New Image / Statue

Christ the King

Background is the siridao beach

Festa Ainne

Bamboo fans

Festa Chonne bhiknnam

Kaddyo boddyo khajen sweet mart

Little fellow selling dos

Feri fair

PEZ Khanji Rice Gruel

Maittul, kodem, doulo, kitli, bowl

Pickle toram xiro chepnne toram

People behind making pez

 7 large copper pots (only 5/6 seen in pic) to cook pez.  8 people start at 1.30am and the pez is ready by 4.30am. Serving of PEZ starts 6am and then it goes non stop till stock last. This year, all pez finished at 12.28 noon.
The guy told me they use boiled or ukdde rice in Kullov, a unit of measurement volume sort of square box, see pic (I forgot the figure it could be 4-5 kullov), 1,500 litr of water (there were 3 tanks of 500 ltrs each). Pic Kullov
Pez is complimentary (Courtesy Dempo), you bring your own bowls or kanso or maittul.  Clay bowls or mattul available for sale in the feast fair. Saw people bringing in Marmitt, steel bowls, Kitli etc from home. Pickle portion also available for sale Rs.20 and Mattul Rs.40-50 each

Copper pots, water tanks
7 pots are seen in this pic

Sausages, sorpotel cheuris pao


Tiatr at Siridao

Main Road Bus Stop NH17

Feast Video
Next year's Feast Presidents are:
Baptist Marques, Alvito Fernandes, Manuel Vincente D'Souza,
Antonio D'Souza, Ruzar  Marques, Justian Po
Substitute: Andre Cardozo and Antonio F Pires

Visit here for 2011 Feast pics and Video

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