Some springs from North Goa
(for South Goa see link in the end)
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Massordem, Valpoi
about a kilometre away from the main centre
About 10 minutes walking involved including crossing of riverlet / Stream
Watch video for details
Video - Massorde zor
The spring

Covered Passage, plants

Temple - Mahadev, Ralloba
Ladies changing room
Boca de Vaca
Near Mahalaxmi Temple
PIC Feb 2013
Video / Latest Pics and Video Boc de Vaca 15.6.16
Salmona Spring, Saligao
From the main road, take inside very narrow road about 1.5km.
The road ends at the spring. You will see some old houses as well as new bungalows of non-Goans may be of bollywood actors etc
Locals say they don't come here to have bath (Except for washing clothes and vehicles) as they fear that the spring is polluted due to the huge garbage dump uphill (like sonsodo, where new garbage treatment plant has come up now?) about 300mts away from the spring.
However, it seems some picnickers do visit here as can be seen from the garbage heap including beer, whisky bottles etc
Video: Salmona Spring - 14.6.16
Pomburpa Spring
Pics June 2008
Video 2010
Another video 2008
with villagers, Parish priest etc
Merces Spring

Magsaysay award winner Dr. Rajendra Singh has said that Merces
natural spring is one of the best natural water springs in Goa and
should not be spoiled at any cost (April 2003)
In his touching speech Dr. Rajendra Singh urged the Goans and local
people to save this type of natural water resources. The yatra meeting
concluded by shouting slogans like amkam zai, amkam zai, amchi zhor
amkam zai, sodchena re sodchena, sarki kelea xivai sodchena.
Pics - 16.6.2016people to save this type of natural water resources. The yatra meeting
concluded by shouting slogans like amkam zai, amkam zai, amchi zhor
amkam zai, sodchena re sodchena, sarki kelea xivai sodchena.

Video: Merces Spring 16.6.16
Maina Spring
Maina is in Batim Village (local name / pronunciation Mainne Batti or Battyer zor)
From Pilar Goa-Velha Road take Curca/Bambolim Road then after about 2 minutes drive take road right at the cross roads to Batim, you will then come across Batim Church, Batim Lake and soon the Spring to the left. The road leading to Santana Church which joins Curca-Bambolim-Merces Road
Same road leads to St. Simao Church uphill, which is after the spring

Video Maina Spring 16.6.16
Curca spring
There are two springs close to each other
One can get here either Panaji -Bambolim - Siridao Road
or Panaji - Merces - Bambolim - Curca road
Then take road going towards Curca Church and ask anyone 'Curca Spring' or 'Curca Zor' (sound Curca = KURKA)
There is a Temple of Mahadev and from the end of the road about 5 minutes uphill walking involved, Spring 2 is about 2 minutes away from Spring 1
In the vicinity, we spotted several ancient structures or stone walls remains, don't know what existed here in the past. Check out various pics
Pics and Video 20.6.2016
This way to the springs

Spring I

Spring II


arecanut plantation, beetle nuts

Madhev Temple near spring, way to

Another Temple at Curca
Video - 2in1 springs
opp Church
Pics / Video 16 June 2016

Pic Nov 2015

Aug. 2008
Video: 16.6.16
Savlem Spring
Pilerne, Goa
Pics and Video 14.6.16

Video- Savle Zor 14.6.16
There is another spring at Maina Pilerne in pvt property of Hindu Bhatji?
We attempted to visit there but were discouraged by the Bhat house saying there is nothing left to see or polluted due to industrial waste etc. It is located deep inside the Areca nuts plantations.
Next to the Bhat house there is a Dhobi / Laundry, saw lot of hospital linen / uniform on the clothes line , also saw ironing
Reis Magos, Verem
Near Church
Pic April 2014

Pilar Spring
Below Pilar Seminary / Church
Same road to Chruch but take left after Fr. Agnelo School etc
There is a new Jr Seminary near the spring.
I first visited this spring about 25 years ago
Pics/Video 16.6.16

Video Pilar Spring / Pilarchi Zor
Mala Spring
Fonte Fenix
Panaji Goa
Some restoration of Spring work is going on and its likely to be completed in 6 months i.e. by March 2017
Video: 3.11.16
The total cost of the project is 35 lakhs, Kamlakant S. Sawant Amonkar is the contractor on the project and Conservation Architect Ketak S. P. Nachinolkar is the consultant
Crow drinking water
More updates soon
Some recommendation recvd: 1 in asagao Bairo Alto, Kuntla in Kuchelim, 2 in Naroa, Spring at Mottant, Baga, and one near church Azossim
More suggestions welcome
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